Default dropdown
No value
is defined, but a title
is given.
Code Editor
const data = [ // Every data item can, beside "content" - contain what ever { // (optional) can be what ever selected_key: 'key_0', // (optional) is show instead of "content", once selected selected_value: 'Item 1 Value', // Item content as a string or array content: 'Item 1 Content', }, { selected_key: 'key_1', content: ['Item 2 Value', 'Item 2 Content'], }, { selected_value: ( <NumberFormat always_selectall ban> 11345678962 </NumberFormat> ), content: [ <NumberFormat key="ban" always_selectall ban> 11345678962 </NumberFormat>, 'Bank account number', ], }, { selected_key: 'key_2', selected_value: 'Item 3 Value', content: ['Item 3 Content A', 'Item 3 Content B'], }, { selected_key: 'key_3', selected_value: 'Item 4 Value', content: ['Item 4 Content A', <>Custom Component</>], }, ] render( <Dropdown data={data} label="Label:" title="Please select a value" on_change={({ data }) => { console.log('on_change', data) }} />, )
Dropdown with different item content directions
Code Editor
<Dropdown label="Label:" data={[ ['Vertical', 'alignment'], <> <P modifier="medium">Vertical</P> <P>alignment</P> </>, <Dropdown.HorizontalItem key="item-1"> <P modifier="medium" right="x-small"> Horizontal </P> <P>alignment</P> </Dropdown.HorizontalItem>, ]} {...visualTestProps( globalThis.IS_TEST &&'item-directions'), )} />
Icon on left side
Code Editor
<Dropdown label="Label:" icon_position="left" data={data} value={3} skip_portal={true} on_change={({ data: selectedDataItem }) => { console.log('on_change', selectedDataItem) }} on_show={() => { console.log('on_show') }} />
The ActionMenu will change its characteristics in mobile view. It will hide the title, and the DrawerList will be placed on the bottom of the page.
Code Editor
<Dropdown title="ActionMenu" action_menu={true} align_dropdown="left" data={[ <> <IconPrimary icon="check" right /> Save </>, <> <IconPrimary icon="download" right /> Download </>, ]} />
No lasting selection will be made.
Code Editor
<Dropdown more_menu={true} size="small" title="Choose an item" data={() => [ <Link href="/" key="item-1"> Go to this Link </Link>, 'Or press on me', <>Custom component</>, ]} right="small" {...visualTestProps( globalThis.IS_TEST &&'left-side'), )} /> <Dropdown prevent_selection={true} align_dropdown="right" size="small" title={null} aria-label="Choose an item" data={() => [ <Link href="/" key="item-1"> Go to this Link </Link>, 'Or press on me', <>Custom component</>, ]} right="small" {...visualTestProps( globalThis.IS_TEST &&'right-side'), )} /> <Dropdown more_menu={true} title="Choose an item" data={[ <Link href="/" key="item-1"> Go to this Link </Link>, 'Or press on me', <>Custom component</>, ]} right="small" /> <Dropdown prevent_selection={true} align_dropdown="right" title={null} aria-label="Choose an item" data={[ <Link href="/" key="item-1"> Go to this Link </Link>, 'Or press on me', <>Custom component</>, ]} on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) }} on_select={({ active_item }) => { console.log('on_select', active_item) }} />
Dropdown as tertiary variant
Code Editor
<Dropdown variant="tertiary" independent_width={true} icon_position="left" align_dropdown="left" data={data} />
Custom item events
Code Editor
const CustomComponent = () => ( <CustomComponentInner onTouchStart={preventDefault} onClick={(e) => { console.log('Do something different') preventDefault(e) }} > Custom event handler </CustomComponentInner> ) const CustomComponentInner = styled.span` display: block; width: 100%; margin: -1rem -2rem -1rem -1rem; padding: 1rem 2rem 1rem 1rem; ` const preventDefault = (e) => { e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() } render( <Dropdown action_menu right label="Label:" title="Choose an item" data={() => [ <Link href="/" key="item-1"> Go to this Link </Link>, 'Or press on me', <CustomComponent key="item-2" />, ]} on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('More menu:', value) }} suffix={<HelpButton title="Modal Title">Modal content</HelpButton>} {...visualTestProps( globalThis.IS_TEST &&'action_menu-custom'), )} />, )
Dropdown in different sizes
Four sizes are available: small
, default
, medium
and large
Code Editor
<Flex.Vertical> <Dropdown label="Label:" size="default" data={() => data} /> <Dropdown label="Label:" size="medium" data={() => data} /> <Dropdown label="Label:" size="large" data={() => data} /> </Flex.Vertical>
Custom width
Code Editor
const CustomWidthOne = styled(Dropdown)` .dnb-dropdown__shell { width: 10rem; } ` const CustomWidthTwo = styled(Dropdown)` &.dnb-dropdown--is-popup .dnb-drawer-list__root { width: 12rem; } ` const CustomWidthThree = styled(Dropdown)` /** Change the "__shell" width */ .dnb-dropdown__shell { width: 10rem; } /** Change the "__list" width */ .dnb-drawer-list__root { width: 20rem; } ` const CustomWidthFour = styled(Dropdown)` width: 60%; min-width: 224px; /** 14rem (please use pixels on min-width!) */ max-width: 25rem; /** In case we have a label */ .dnb-form-label + .dnb-dropdown__inner { width: 100%; } ` render( <Flex.Vertical> <CustomWidthOne label="Label:" size="default" icon_position="left" data={data} /> <CustomWidthTwo label="Label:" size="small" more_menu data={data} /> <CustomWidthThree label="Label:" size="large" align_dropdown="right" data={data} /> <CustomWidthFour title="Min and max width" stretch={true} data={data} /> </Flex.Vertical>, )
Dropdown with status
And vertical label layout.
Code Editor
<Dropdown data={data} label="Label:" label_direction="vertical" status="Message to the user" />
Findable list
With long list to make it scrollable and searchable
Code Editor
const scrollableData = [ { content: 'A', }, { content: 'B', }, { selected_value: ( <NumberFormat always_selectall ban> 11345678962 </NumberFormat> ), content: [ <NumberFormat key="ban-1" always_selectall ban> 11345678962 </NumberFormat>, 'C', ], }, { selected_value: ( <NumberFormat always_selectall ban> 15349648901 </NumberFormat> ), content: [ <NumberFormat key="ban-2" always_selectall ban> 15349648901 </NumberFormat>, 'D', ], }, { content: 'E', }, { selected_key: 'key_1', selected_value: 'Find me by keypress', content: ['F', 'F', 'F', 'F'], }, { content: 'G', }, { content: 'H', }, ] render( <Dropdown data={scrollableData} value="key_1" // use either index (5) or selected_key: 'key_1' label="Label:" />, )
Disabled dropdown
Code Editor
<Dropdown disabled data={['Disabled Dropdown']} label="Label:" />
Disabled tertiary dropdown
Code Editor
<Dropdown disabled variant="tertiary" data={['Disabled Dropdown']} label="Disabled tertiary dropdown" />
DrawerList opened
Only to visualize and used for visual testing
Code Editor
<span className="dnb-drawer-list__list"> <ul className="dnb-drawer-list__options"> <li className="dnb-drawer-list__option first-of-type"> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__inner"> Brukskonto - Kari Nordmann </span> </li> <li className="dnb-drawer-list__option dnb-drawer-list__option--selected"> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__inner"> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__item item-nr-1"> <NumberFormat always_selectall key="n-1" ban> 12345678902 </NumberFormat> </span> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__item"> Sparekonto - Ole Nordmann </span> </span> </li> <li className="dnb-drawer-list__option"> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__inner"> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__item item-nr-1"> <NumberFormat always_selectall key="n-2" ban> 11345678962 </NumberFormat> </span> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__item"> Feriekonto - Kari Nordmann med et kjempelangt etternavnsen </span> </span> </li> <li className="dnb-drawer-list__option last-of-type"> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__inner"> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__item item-nr-1"> <NumberFormat always_selectall key="n-3" ban> 15349648901 </NumberFormat> </span> <span className="dnb-drawer-list__option__item"> Oppussing - Ole Nordmann </span> </span> </li> <li className="dnb-drawer-list__triangle" /> </ul> </span>